New Life Insurance Client Intake Form *Confidentiality Statement* Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1. Insurance Planning Current Insurance Policies:a. Whole Life Face Value: $Age of PolicyWhole Life Face Value: $Age of PolicyWhole Life Face Value: $ Age of Policyb. Term Life Face Value: $Expiration DateTerm Life Face Value: $ Expiration DateTerm Life Face Value: $ Expiration Datec. Health Insurance Company:Expiration Dated. Other Life Ins. Face Value: $Expiration Date2. Life Insurance Strategy a.Why are you purchasing life insurance?To provide $ to i. To provide $ to upon my death. ii. I need enough insurance to cover: a) Home Mortgage $ b) Car Loan(s) $ c) Combined Personal Debt $ d) Income Replacement for years $ e) Children’s College $ f) Children/Grandchildren Inheritance $ g) Other Coverage $ iii. Of the insurance total coverage, how much should be permanent insurance? $ 3. Annuities a. Why are you purchasing an annuity? i. Retirement Planning? $ ii. When will you need your annuity? (Date) 4. Appllicant's Data: Name:Date of Birth:Height:Weight: (lbs)Phone #:Email: *Current Address:City:State:Zip CodeCurrent Health Condition: (On a Scale of 1-5)Tobacco Use:Yes NoFormer (How many years)Drug Use:YesNoFormer (How many years) 5 Remarks, Other Insurance Products Inquiry, QuestionsSubmit